In Brief, Ten Points About Swami Satyeswarananda…
- Involved so far sixty four years (64) in Kriya Yoga since the hermitage school days, at age of eleven.
- Educated eight years (8) in residential asramic school in Kriya Yoga asram.
- Received M. A. in philosophy, specializing in Vedanta philosophy and Law, both from the University of Calcutta and worked for Ph.D. program.
- Entered the order of Swami with the blessings of Sankaracharya Swami Krisna Tirtha Bharati of Puri Gobardhan Math.
- Lived a secluded meditative life twelve years (12) in the Himalayas as a Himalayan Hermit. Sometimes Mahamuni Babaji visited and stayed with him:
- Received the “KRIYA SUTRAS” in the Himalayas.
- Received Purna Kriya in the Himalayas from Mahamuni Babaji, the Divine Himalayan Yogi. (Some inappropriately call him Mahavatar Babaji. See explanation in the Mahamuni Babaji file).
- Yogi Vedantist.
- Sanskrit scholar, Vidyaratna.
- Former Attorney and Law Professor.
- Swami Satyeswarananda sent to the U.S. in 1982 by Mahamuni Babaji and commissioned to re-establish the Original Kriya and to complete his providence, and has lived there ever since for a total of thirty five (35) years.
- An Author (of more than 55 books) – a list of published works is added at the end of this file.