About Swami Satyeswarananda

In Brief, Ten Points About Swami Satyeswarananda…

  1. Involved so far sixty four years (64) in Kriya Yoga since the hermitage school days, at age of eleven.
  2. Educated eight years (8) in residential asramic school in Kriya Yoga asram.
  3. Received M. A. in philosophy, specializing in Vedanta philosophy and Law, both from the University of Calcutta and worked for Ph.D. program.
  4. Entered the order of Swami with the blessings of Sankaracharya Swami Krisna Tirtha Bharati of Puri Gobardhan Math.
  5. Lived a secluded meditative life twelve years (12) in the Himalayas as a Himalayan Hermit. Sometimes Mahamuni Babaji visited and stayed with him:
    1. Received the “KRIYA SUTRAS” in the Himalayas.
    2. Received Purna Kriya in the Himalayas from Mahamuni Babaji, the Divine Himalayan Yogi. (Some inappropriately call him Mahavatar Babaji. See explanation in the Mahamuni Babaji file).
  6. Yogi Vedantist.
  7. Sanskrit scholar, Vidyaratna.
  8. Former Attorney and Law Professor.
  9. Swami Satyeswarananda sent to the U.S. in 1982 by Mahamuni Babaji and commissioned to re-establish the Original Kriya and to complete his providence, and has lived there ever since for a total of thirty five (35) years.
  10. An Author (of more than 55 books) – a list of published works is added at the end of this file.